Thank You AD Interns!

Special thank you to all of our interns for your spectacular contributions to Andaman Discoveries! It is really a team effort and all of the work from interns is much appreciated!

-Kathy Stegwee, a Dutch intern from Breda University, contributed much expertise with all the details in the office and the behind the scenes work of Andaman Discoveries.  She also was able to partake in many village activities and helped to create a Koh Pratong Eco Guide.

-Anna Flam, a Duke University Master Student from the USA, researched our Community Based Tourism Programs through interview with locals and started work on a sustainability protocol for the organization.  This protocol is AD’s long term community to sustainability in every aspect of our operations.

-Uzma Daraman a Thai National who is studying at Grinnel College in the USA, helped create and facilitate a guide training for the village of Ban Tale Nok in Ranong. The BTN community was happy to have a friendly new face to help, offer advice and encouragement.

-Sebastian Kollind from Sweden did work on website material and google. Check out the new Photo Gallery on our website thanks to his hard work! AD photo gallery

-Laerke Lily Thorndal, a reasearcher from Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, investigated the relation between capacity building and community based tourism.