Burmese Learning Center Update

In front of the learning center

The school will be closed for the students October break. Currently there are 40-50 students attending school each week and four thoughtful and caring teachers to administer the education and lunch program. The school has had three volunteers over the past few months coming for two to three weeks at a time to teach English. A parents meeting was held and the attendance was great, showing continued commitment to their children’s education. The parents are still interested and appreciative of the schooling and interaction with volunteers that their children are receiving at the Burmese Learning Center. The families have been joining together to help with the lunch program, every Wednesday the parents send their children to school with a curry go along with the rice at school.  Funds are scare and the financial support from both Donors and Volunteers are greatly appreciated to help with the operational costs of the school!

MLC School bus compressedChildren of the learning center