Silent Waters – Tsunami Documentary

As the ten year anniversary of the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami approaches many will remember this event and how it effected the lives of millions of people. Film maker, Mike Thomas, has chosen to focus on Koh Phratong for this tsunami documentary and how ten years on this island community is still effected. Slient Waters – Tsunami Ten Years On
Andaman Discoveries is happy to help support Mike’s work ‘Silent Waters’and is hoping that our community can help him raise funds to continue this tsunami documentary project. One reward of his crowd funding campaign is a chance to be in the film while participating in a homestay program on Koh Phratong! Please see the ‘Slient Waters – Tsunami Ten Years On’ website for more information.
AD has been cooperating with Mike to help him interact with the communities on the island and research their tsunami story. This film seeks to tell the story through the people themselves, with interviews of both island natives and those who relocated to the mainland. It looks at the ghost town of Ban Lion, the quaint village of Ta Pae Yoi, and the Moken village of Tung Dap. This tsunami documentary will help show the world how those waves have forever changed the life of this island.