Thank you Interns Jennifer and Shiori!

July saw the departure of Shiori and Jennifer, client relations and marketing interns.  Jennifer and Shiori will be greatly missed, as they filled the AD office with exciting stories of their adventures, food they ate, people they met and places they visited. For them each day brought something new!  They said they felt that on arrival to the little town of Kuraburi, there did not seem to be much to fill in the hours when not working, but soon they were caught up in the activity of local life, making new friends, hosting guests and realized that time is easily spent.

Shiori and Jennifer were quickly accepted into the town of Kuraburi; both interns were respectful and friendly with locals and project partners, interacting at the market and speaking as much as they could in Thai.  They easily made friends with the local villagers who welcomed them into their lives and are still be asked about.  The girls had the opportunity to attend weddings, a very intimate family Monk ceremony and plenty of impromptu parties and gatherings, Thai style of course, with lots of food and laughter.

The AD team greatly appreciates all that Jennifer and Shiori have contributed to the organization.  We value the work, commitment and dedication the interns bring to their placements.

We are always looking for interns to assist with various office work, marketing, social media, admin and volunteer support.  If you are studying in the fields of tourism, management or environment and need to complete a placement internship please forward your resume to us here at