Rebecca’s Journal – Life at the Burmese Learning Center

Volunteer English teachers, Jeannine and Rebecca, prepare for an afternoon of classes at the Burmese Learning Center.

The last week of school came too quickly. In the brief month that I taught at the Burmese Learning Center, I felt that I developed relationships with the students and teachers. The students’ confidence and skills grew steadily, as did mine, as I learned to find my footing as a teacher in Thailand.

It was motivating to learn that I could lead classes, despite being without a formal teaching background. The month at the Burmese Learning Center allowed me to discover an artist and teacher within me.

I was instantly made welcome by the Burmese Learning Center staff. The staff supported me, so that there was always someone there if I was to encounter any problems. The children are lovely, full of personality and a pleasure to teach. There is a great atmosphere at the center.

To anyone considering taking the leap to teach in Thailand through Andaman Discoveries – I have one word – Jump!