Phuket Special School

A UK Visitor Reflects on Volunteering

Two of Nolawi’s students at the Phuket Special School.

Nolawi (UK) recently spent a month volunteering at the Phuket Special School for disabled children, coming through our UK-based partner Twin UK. His experience was quite transformative.

“I spent one month volunteering at the Phuket Special School. It was without doubt one of the most special months of my life — and it was a very sad moment when I left. The teachers are truly amazing and it was an absolute pleasure to have met them, they ALL treated me like a member of their family, but what made the most impact on me was the fantastic, talented children at the school. I think I learned more from them then they did from me, one of the many things they taught me was sign language, which I hope to improve on in the future. They are all so unique and always smiling. What I liked about my time at the school was that no two days were ever the same, which meant the month, sadly, just flew by.”

Nolawi added that he plans to visit the school again. “This was truly life-changing. Thank you to everybody at the school for what you have done for me.”

The Phuket Special School for disabled is one of several long-term volunteering programs offered by Andaman Discoveries. We can also arrange placement at the Burmese Learning Center in Kuraburi. Our team is developing more programs, so please check back!