Local Action

Ban Talae Nok Youth Group

Ban Talae Nok organic garden

Ladda “Pink” Aharn, Ban Talae Nok (BTN) community coordinator, is pleased to share the progress of all of the great work that the youth group is doing in the village. Here’s a look at four projects underway that the youth group is leading:

Waste Management Project: Many children participate in this activity each month. “It is about more than collecting garbage,” said Pink. “It helps the youth have unity and work together. Then after their hard work, they all join together for snacks.”

Organic Farm: This project is a favorite of the youth and adults in the village. They started with one garden, which has been a success. The next step is to have a pilot garden program where about 20 houses will have their own spot to grow fresh food.

Landscaping: The youth group is working on building a fence along the main road with carefully planted greenery such as local leaf (Pak Leing), fruit trees like rose apple and mango, to enliven the village environment.

Community Forest: The youth group and BTN villagers want to plant more Nipa palm it is an essential resource. It can be used to make roofing to sell. The villagers are seeking to plant more seedlings.

Thank you to Pink and the BTN Youth Group for all of your contributions to the community. To see all the youth projects, or participate with them, please contact us.