Happy Holidays! AD Year End 2012

The Andaman Discoveries team would like to wish everyone a

Happy Holiday Season


Prosperous New Year!

As 2012 comes to a close, the AD team would like to briefly reflect on the wonderful year we have experienced in our little corner of Southern Thailand.  We welcomed hundreds of happy guests and volunteers that chose to take the road less traveled and experience tourism in a responsible way.   We launched our new and improved website that reflects our updated feel to the world.  We are continuing to work with community groups to develop new programs, like the Moken CBT tour on Koh Surin and the Ta Pae Yoi Community Homestay program.  We have facilitated trainings for various youth groups on conservation efforts that have helped them realize their opportunity and potential.  We studied at trainings to improve our community based and sustainable tourism development skills.  We helped to open the new Mulberry Learning Center for Burmese migrant children in the Kuraburi area.  And we successfully operated with the help of our long standing staff, new hires and interns, to whom we are especially grateful.

The AD family would like to send a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has helped to support our vision this past year.  Through your visits, volunteering, donations to community projects and encouragement we are able to successfully operate together with the communities here on the North Andaman Coast. We are excited for the opportunities that 2013 holds and will continue to strive to provide opportunities for those who seek it.
