Burmese Learning Center Summer Camp

This month saw the first ever ‘Summer Camp’ held for the students of the Kuraburi Burmese Learning Center; this event was partly sponsored by Muan Mit Thai Foundation who help this event supplying transport for the kids, a very good sound equipment for evenings of karaoke and also contribute food for the event. These contributions are important to help improve the lives of the children through fun activities and education. This was a three day event held just outside Kuraburi town in the grounds of the college in Soi Nang Yong

The dedicated staff and helpers from the school helped to set up a weekend of activities for the children which included sports and games, signing and dancing, along with overnight camping; a rare opportunity for these children, as most of these students do not get the opportunity to go on excursions and spend overnight away from their village. Here they were allowed to run, play and get totally immersed in fun activities with their friends and classmates in a safe and new environment.

Through the support of the lunch program funds, Andaman Discoveries helped to provide dinner for the 50 children and staff on the first evening; cooking chicken and noodles as a special treat for the children. Helping to supply the vegetables and protein for dinner was a welcome hand for the families, as it can be expensive to provide extra above the rice and egg that the children are supplied with. The cooks are expert with given ingredients and managed to bulk out the noodles with vegetables and made soup with the chicken so that the children had a feast for over two days, thank you to all our supporters, we all had happy heart knowing that after a day of full on activities the children would be fed well.
The children were taught leadership and socialization skills through planned activities, assisting each other through climbing frames, helping each other negotiate tricky maneuvers through tunnels and ropes and shouting encouraging words of support as they hung on to rope swings to cross a small patch of water, while others pulled the ropes to make it more difficult.

We hope this camp will run every year which will allow the children to become involved in planning and organizing for the next event, which we know is important, and this will give them something to look forward to and to take ownership over, most important for the welfare and mental wellbeing of these children.