Burmese Learning Center Student Outreach
Ready to Learn

Lindsey and FED staff
Andaman Discoveries staff member, Lindsey, headed out with the Foundation for Education and Development staff to conduct outreach with the local Burmese Community. We wanted to register returning students and also new students. It is always the perfect opportunity to network with the Burmese families, build trust and support for our cause. The best way to understand the students and their families is to see where they are living and what they are doing and it makes the importance

Registration on the Move
of the Burmese Learning Center shine through at full force. The center is a clean, safe and opportunistic place for these students to see that their future can be what they inspire it to be.
We registered 44 returning students and also 13 new students, making our predicted attendance at 57. When working with a migrant population, we always see a number of students and families that return to Burma each year, but we also have new

Talking with the families
families that come to Thailand to try and gain a larger wage to send back to extended family in Burma. The best part of the Burmese Learning Center is that when the families do migrate back to Burma, the students are up to date on the Burmese Curriculum and are also given letters of recommendation so that they can easily transition back into school allowing their education to grow.
The school officially opens tomorrow, June 1st and we are excited for another Semester of students, teachers, volunteers and families working together.