Welcome from Jenny

Dear Friends,

I am a new addition to the AD team and would like to extend a warm and enthusiastic greeting from Kuraburi!

The chains of corporate America are finally loosening as I start my third month at Andaman Discoveries. I arrived in the wake of graduating with my M.S. in Environmental Management, and have fully recovered from the frantic San Francisco lifestyle I left. Thank you AD!

I have never worked in the tourism business, nor have I lived outside the U.S. I came to Thailand to absorb as much information as possible about community-based development, having just completed my thesis on sustainable construction in Haiti.

So far, the people are amazing, the food is delicious, and the sunsets continually surprise me. I have grown beyond my wildest expectations, both professionally and personally, all thanks to the AD team.


Jenny Lovell

a.k.a “The Jeneral”