Volunteering Teaching, November 2012 – Testimonial

Thank you for making us feel like family even though we were only there for a short time. You and everyone at Andaman Discoveries truly went above and beyond to take care of us.

I had no idea what to expect from the project. I knew what I hoped it would be, but it far exceeded anything I could have ever imagined. I will be forever grateful that we just happened to catch that travel show on Korean television and were moved by your mission. I hope we were able to give even a fraction of what we received from our experience with the learning center. It is amazing how much you can love something after just the briefest of time.

I think it was very fitting to spend our week of Thanksgiving in Kuraburi. The children of the Burmese Learning Center taught all of us what it means to be truly thankful. They reminded us that real, deep-down, heart-bursting joy doesn’t come from hot showers and clean floors– but from new friendships, honest work, singing, playing and learning with children and, as Karlijn so aptly put it, “swimming in the stars.”


-Kristen ,Tobin, Matthew, and Levi – Family