Tung Rak Mangrove Forest Adventure


“Adventures come to those who seek it.”


Adventures, to some people who are born with an insatiable curiosity, can be suppressed through discovery. On the other hand, others may seek out adventures as a means of overcoming the demons within: stagnation, fear, boredom, a sort of dry thirst of the soul.

Whatever it may be, the development of the Tung Rak Mangrove Trail will be an amazing place for people who love to seek challenging adventures out in the forest. I am always on an adventurous streak and was more than happy to accompany my two colleagues to hike the Mangrove Trail. They are hoping to work with the local community and get assistance from the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources to make this trail accessible to guests that come to Kuraburi.  By making it an interpretive trail, with informative materials and signage, the trail will be a perfect way to enjoy a day in Kuraburi and learn about the environment. The people from the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources from Krabi came to participate to help with trail maintenance and recommendations for the future. They also provided signs for different tree species so that people along the trail for easier identification.

DSCF1953The mangrove forest can be easily recognized by their dense tangle of roots which makes the trees appear to be standing on stilts above the water. The mangroves are full of unique plants and small crabs crawling on the dense mud floor. The man from the department and our local village guide were very helpful and explained to us all the different species of plants and trees that we encountered throughout our journey.

The leaves crunching beneath our feet, the fragrant scent and the breathtaking view of the great mountains across the mangrove forest simply made me forget about being tired. Serenity immediately seeps in when we take a moment for  rest and appreciate life in a different perspective as we indulge ourselves in the atmosphere. Life is full of adventures. Seek them and enjoy every moment of them.

– Munirah