Thank You Volunteers!

Thank you to our hard working volunteers in our English teaching program over the past few months! Ideally volunteers come to help teach English alongside a co-teacher, to help both the students learn English from a fluent speaker and the teachers to learn ways to make English fun in the classroom. Placements start from a 2 week commitment and, as most will agree, the long you stay the better it is for everyone!
Burmese Learning Center – Katie, USA; Radu, Romania
Rural Thai School – Amelia, UK; Laura & Julie, Denmark
Kuraburi Junior School – Jessica & Beth, UK
Volunteers at our partner organization the ‘Southern Thailand Orphanage’ -Mike, USA; Ben & Allie, USA
Testimonials – Here is what some of them had to say about their experience:
“We had the most fantastic time at Kuraburi Junior School. It was a challenging experience, but incredibly rewarding and we would recommend it highly to those who want to really help with a genuine company that is doing some fantastic work within development in Thailand.” –Beth & Jessica
“Thank you so much Andaman Discoveries for offering me a month of a lifetime. I learned so much about team work appreciations and happiness and I am so grateful I got to do this at 16 years of age.” –Radu
“What an amazing month! Teaching was one of the most challenging but rewarding things …the kids are some of the happiest, loving, brightest.” -Katie