Take a Hike … Up Mae Nang Khaow Mountain!

N-ACT Organizes Pilot Trip

The North Andaman Community Tourism (N-ACT) Network arranged a light trek up Mae Nang Khaow Mountain with ecotourism specialist Bill Tuffin. The purpose was to determine the viability of the hike as an ecotourism activity for Mae Nang Khaow village. “The route was of high interest, with fascinating things like a large banyan tree. The hike has potential for a tourist activity once the route is improved,” concluded Bill.

The hikers were treated to a peaceful waterfall during the three-hour activity, which bypassed the summit in favor including a local temple. (Venturing further up the mountain could reward more intrepid trekkers with additional waterfalls and a possible sighting of the famous raffleasia flower.)

N-ACT strives to support villagers in the region through activities like the Mae Nang Khaow hike. “The villagers are keen to welcome guests. Pilot tours help us determine areas for potential and for improvement, like points in the hike to explain interesting plants or history. One such point of interest is a big Sai and stone at the ground,” said program manager Nattaya “Nat” Sektheera.