Spreading the word, sharing good will.

On a beautiful Saturday morning in November, Angela Miller and her family found their way to the Southern Thailand Orphanage to share their generosity with the children from the home. The word was spread by the Brown family, who happened to be friends of Angela’s family. As they arrived joyful and with good will to help with the bakery construction, they also brought gifts from the October wish list as well as other items that they had been gathering for a while.

According to Angela, Language was n
o barrier for my two children as the children at the Orphanage took them by the hand and showed them around.

We had a wonderful day at the beach playing and swimming and were fortunate enough to have the opportunity to help some of the older children get dressed and prepare for their performance they had booked for later that night. It really was a wonderful experience, for us as adults as well as for our children. We hope to visit the Orphanage again during our next visit to Thailand and in the mean time, we will continue to support the foundation financially where possible, as it is clearly needed and appreciated.”