Southern Thailand Orphanage

A huge thanks to Kellie Ann Tomlin and her husband, for their visit to our Southern Thailand Orphanage to help the children by visiting the home and spending time with the children and staff and donating some essential daily supplies.  Kellie and her husband bought milk, cooking oil, eggs, flour and other cooking ingredients that the home have to find funds for every day to feed 26 children.  We helped Kellie to arrange a day visit with the home while she was on vacation in Phuket and wanted to give a helping hand to one of our projects.

Khun Root, the director of the orphanage, was overwhelmed with the generosity shown by Kellie, and is warmed by the kindness of visitors that come to work with and learn about his project.

Kellie left the home with a parting thought; she realizes the importance of e-learning for children and on return to her native Australia is going to do a fundraising campaign to gather old laptops and computers to donate to the home; everyone at the project is so excited that they soon may be able to have the use of computers in their everyday life.