Southern Thailand Orphanage

French couple pilot new long-term volunteer opportunity

Jeremy and Audrey (France) wanted to spend time with local people and contribute their talents to a worthwhile cause. They found that opportunity through Andaman Discoveries’ newest long-term volunteering program at a southern Thailand orphanage.
During their nine days at the orphanage, Jeremy and Audrey taught the children fun activities like juggling, and also assisted them with gardening, handicrafts, cooking, drawing, and various construction projects. They discovered that even simple acts like smiling and eating with the children provided companionship and support. “The eldest children are really independent, so most of the time we were with the younger ones. They like drawing, singing and listening to us read story books. The children were always ready and happy to do things with us.”
The couple concluded that “it was a wonderful experience. Thank you to Andaman Discoveries for introducing us to the orphanage. We encourage everybody to do the same.” You can learn more about this new program on our website, or contact us for details.