Samoan Tsunami Relief

More Support Needed

On September 29, a deadly tsunami struck Samoa and American Samoa, wiping out whole villages and sweeping boats inland and cars and people out to sea, and killing scores of people in several islands. The same devastating phenomenon five years ago in the North Andaman region spawned the work of Andaman Discoveries, and so we are keen to help.

Our friends at Seacology are raising funds to help recovery in the local villages where they have projects. Susan Racanelli, Seacology Development Director, reports:

(Read Susan’s full account: Part 1 and Part 2.)

With the proceeds of the Samoa Emergency Relief Fund, we will assist the islanders with the projects they have identified are most necessary. Those villages are: Satapuala village, Upolu Island; and Falealupo and Tafua villages, Savaiā€™i Island. We are anticipating that all of the villages will need repairs to public facilities and basic infrastructure. Seacology has chosen to target three villages where locally-based volunteers live and work, and can monitor the relief effort. Seacology ensures that all money raised will go directly to assist victims of this devastating tsunami.

To donate now, please visit

For the Indonesian tsunami of 2005, four of our projects and the villages surrounding them were hit. Of course, it was different for each village, and thus we will have Cedric, our field representative, ask the Samoan villages what they need. In general, the islanders and field representative feel that additional funds should go to help the poorest families and restore infrastructure. Seacology is a nonprofit that partners with island communities to preserve threatened environments, species, and historic cultures; and has been working in Samoa for nearly 20 years.