Rebecca’s Journal – Introduction

Burmese Learning Center Welcomes English Teachers

We were fortunate to have Rebecca (UK) with us from mid-May to mid-June. She came to us through our partner organization, Twin UK, to teach English at the Burmese Learning Center.

Jeannine (volunteer English teacher), Kelly, Karen, and Rebecca at the Burmese Learning Center.

Rebecca wrote about her experiences as a first-time teacher, being a newbie in Kuraburi and meeting her roommate, “Gary the Gecko.”

“In the brief month that I taught at the Burmese Learning Center, I felt that I developed relationships with the students and teachers. The students’ confidence and skills grew steadily, as did mine, as I learned to find my footing as a teacher in Thailand,” said Rebecca.

Her stories will be shared on the blog in the upcoming weeks, so check back soon.

Teaching at the Burmese Learning Center is one of several long-term volunteering programs offered by Andaman Discoveries. We can also arrange placements at the Phuket Disabled School or a Southern Thailand Orphanage.