Phuket Special School – Spreading Compassion

Sally poses with some new friends at the Phuket Special School.

Since 1993, the Phuket Special School has provided a safe and educational haven for disabled, autistic, and deaf children from the ages of six to 21. The school aims to provide the children with a caring and stimulating environment to help them reach their potential, with the ultimate goal of helping them integrate back into society. Earlier this year Andaman Discoveries partnered with the school and in November we welcomed our first two volunteers from our partner TWIN UK.

Heather and Sally, both from the United Kingdom, met at the school for two weeks of volunteering. Despite the obvious challenges in communication, they were immediately impressed with how friendly and welcoming the students were. “I am really enjoying working at the school, everyone is so friendly and kids are lovely!” Heather reported during her first week. The pair spent their days teaching various classes oriented towards life-skills and vocational training using games and singing, and communicating with the children through sign-language and role playing. The volunteers were also treated to an afternoon of batik making with the children.

Wirach Klaharn, the director of the school, welcomed the volunteers eagerly. “Andaman Discoveries has a very good reputation, and recruits the right type of volunteers,” he said. Heather and Sally lived up to his expectations. “They were very interactive, and the children were very happy. The children miss them, and hope they can come back soon,” Khun Klaharn continued. We at Andaman Discoveries hope the same, and look forward to sending more dedicated people to this very worthy cause.

For more information about the program or to volunteer, please visit the Phuket Special School page on our website.