Opening of the “Southern Thailand Orphanage” Coffee and Bakery shop

On the 27thof February 2012, the staff and friends of AD participated in the grand opening of the “Southern Thailand Orphanage” coffee and bakery shop. We enjoyed the delicious coffee and bakery goods on sale, and were entertained with a dancing performance from the children at the home; the girls did a traditional Thai dance and the boys a Muay Thai performance that incorporates all the boxing moves to music, great fun to watch.

This Coffee and Bakery will give students the opportunity to be trained in hospitality skills; learning how to be waiter or waitress, how to keep shop, handle money and deal with customers.  This is all part of the program in creating a sustainable project for the home. Several of our volunteers helped to organize this event, painting walls and doors, setting furniture and signs and of course cleaning up after the construction workers had finished, just the day before the opening.
The orphanage opened its doors after the tsunami of 2004 to provide children in the area with a safe and secure environment to live and learn. In partnership with Andaman Discoveries, volunteers can assist with the daily operation of the home while the children are at school and in the afternoons assist the children with their English homework and basic language skills and of course play games and have fun.