Nutrition for Needy Children – School Lunch Project

The 90 students from the Burmese Learning Center in Kuraburi need at least one healthy meal per day. While a few get packed lunch, many eat sweets for breakfast and dry instant noodles for lunch.

The dedicated teachers at the center have requested our help in providing lunch for the children. Without a food budget, and barely able to cover teacher salary, the center needs our help to make sure the kids have a more healthy diet.

Please help – you can make a difference in the quality of life and general health of the children. Visit for details — it’s only $50 per day to feed 90 children.

The Kuraburi area, and southern Thailand in general, is home to a large population of Burmese migrant workers. These hardworking people often come illegally in the hope of finding income and a better life. Their children mostly lack access to education and adequate nutrition. Unlike so many other areas, Burmese children living near the Kuraburi pier are able to take classes at a learning center (where I was recently volunteering!).

The lunch program will:

  • guarantee that children have one healthy nutritious meal a day
  • create community by bringing together teachers and volunteers to cook and then share a meal with the children
  • give the children an opportunity to learn roles and responsibilities during cooking, eating, and cleanup
  • alleviate the financial burden on already struggling parents