Nipa Palm & Mushrooms

New Garden at Southern Thailand Orphanage

One of our Southern Thailand orphanages has just sent us word about their great new garden. They plan to grow mushrooms of their own to eat and sell in the local market! The children helped build a small hut to provide shelter and humid conditions for the fungi to grow.

Nipa palm leaves, a traditional Thai building material, were used to build the roof and walls of the hut. Nipa palm roofing is sustainable, cheap, durable, waterproof, and can last from three to five years. The children will be helping take care of the mushrooms, making sure to water them and keep them moist. This garden is another addition to the orphanage’s efforts to get as self-sufficient as possible.
If you plan a visit to the Andaman Coast, you can try one of our cultural village tours and learn more about Nipa palm! Try your hand or simply observe as the villagers weave these leaves together.