News that’s Fit to Print

Journalists become a part of the story

We welcomed freelance journalist Sarah Warwick in July. During her visit, she spent time in Ban Talae Nok, the Burmese Learning Center, and Kamphuan Community Learning Center.

Sarah is writing about community tourism and voluntourism for TNT magazine. She said she “felt an affinity with the town of Kuraburi because you get a real feel for the people and they are so friendly.” Thank you for visiting Sarah. We hope to see you again.

Also, Andaman Discoveries was featured in the July/August issue of fahThai, the in-flight magazine for Bangkok Airways. The article called, “Have Heart Will Travel,” recommends voluntourism opportunities in Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnan.

Rebecca Kelly wrote, “Yes, we’re living through some tough economic times. But instead of staying at home and sticking your head in the sand, read on about the growing number of people choosing to roll up their sleeves and become involved in projects aimed at making the world a better place. Voluntourism is a way for people to combine their tropical trip with a working holiday – and across Asia there’s certainly no shortage of worthy projects on which to lend a hand.”

Read the entire article in fahThai, click here or visit our press page.