Local Guide Training on Koh Phrathong

local guide group

local guide group

local guide praciticing

local guide praciticing

In February, Pi Nat and Noon from Andaman Discoveries went to Ban Ta Pae Yoi to offer a guide training to the community tourism group.   Local guides, homestay hosts and youths who were interested in being a local guide participated over the two day training.  The objective of the training was to practice the guiding skills and hosting when taking care of the guests in the village.

Making village map

Making village map

The first  day  focused on tips for being a guide,  roles of the local guide and how to interact  with guests. The group participated in an activity to help them identify  the good things in their village that they want to share with the guests and practiced their presentation skills by giving feedback to each other.

The second day of training the new guides practiced through samples tour and situations.  We also had a chance to survey a new kayak route with the youth and P’ Noon.  We helped them to make a map of the kayak route and village.

Kayak route survey

Kayak route survey