Linfield College Custom Program

“A spectacular program”

 A group of 14 curious American students from Linfield Nursing College made the trip to Thailand to experience a custom program that focused on learning about the health systems in Thailand. The group started by doing a Homestay in Ban Tale Nok where they were able to see the wonders of a traditional Muslim village. They then toured a local cottage hospital in Kuraburi, meeting staff and doctors, and learning about traditional and conventional medicine in Thailand.  They ended their tour by visiting Phuket International Hospital and here they were able to compare services of an international hospital to that of a village.

 “In such a short time my eyes were opened to a whole new world and way of living.
This program is amazing! All of the activities left me feeling like I learned something
useful and everything was relaxed.”

Ashlyn Hanson

 “The people in the villages are amazing and so welcoming. I came
into this experience nervous about what to expect and by the end of
the trip I felt like I was home.”

Kaitlyn Frazier

Linfield College