Lesson Plans

Burmese Learning Center Welcomes Teachers

According to Thai law, all children, regardless of their status in the country, are entitled to receive an education. Children of migrant Burmese workers, however, face overwhelming challenges, including communication issues, the lack of resources for them at schools, and prohibitive expenses for supplies and uniforms. For these children, The Kuraburi Burmese Learning Center and volunteers like Rebecca Lilly (UK) are critical to a hopeful future.
“In the brief month that I taught at the Burmese Learning Center, I felt that I developed relationships with the students and teachers. The students’ confidence and skills grew steadily, as did mine, as I learned to find my footing as a teacher in Thailand,” said Rebecca, who volunteered from mid-May to mid-June. Rebecca chronicled her experiences as a first-time teacher, as well as adjusting to life in rural Thailand with a surprise reptilian roommate.
Teaching at the Burmese Learning Center is one of several long-term volunteering programs offered by Andaman Discoveries. We can also arrange placements at the Phuket Disabled School or a Southern Thailand Orphanage. For more on Rebecca’s experience, check out her recent blog posts.