It’s All About the Kids

Helping Students Stay in School

At the end of April, our office was filled with families from nearby villages – parents bringing their children in for our yearly scholarship interviews. This year 14 students graduated high school and are now proceeding to study further for their future!

Andaman Discoveries scholarships provide vital financial support for underprivileged children in the region, allowing them to stay in school. The scholarship helps offset expenses like school uniforms, transportation to school, extra books, and extra tuition for classes like computer studies.

Below is a video from Wilarsinee Klatalay, who has been receiving a scholarship from Andaman Discoveries, and will be graduating from her University next year with a degree in Tourism.


Nearly 100 students, ranging in age from 9 to 24, came to talk about their performance in school and how they see the future. It is amazing to hear about their goals. Some of the students want to be like their parents and become fishermen and women, while others were more interested in higher education.

Jaturong Klatalay, from Tung Dap village, likes reading books and cleaning up the village with his friends when not studying. He wants to be a scientist when he grows up. He sees the effects of climate change, and envisions a future for Thailand where plastic use is reduced, more trees are planted, and the villages are developed. This scholarship helps his career goals by providing stationary, transportation and school uniforms.

Many of the students observed that the world is changing, and the cutting down of the trees is a problem. The solution, they suggested, would be to plant more trees in Thailand.

We would like to thank all of the sponsors for their kind support, and we are also looking for more help. 30 of the students are in need of further sponsorship. If you’re interested, please send us an email.