In-Village Guidelines
Eating with your homestay family will certainly be one of the highlights of your trip; you will be surely fed until fit to burst. The Thai way of eating is quite different from Western methods. Thais use a fork and a spoon instead of a knife and fork. The fork is used to push food onto the spoon and then the spoon is the one that goes in the mouth. Don’t worry if this feels a bit strange; just carry on using your fork. Chopsticks are generally used only for noodle soup (gwit teaow naam).
The Thai style of eating is to place all dishes in the center. Each person will have their own plate with a portion of rice on it. From one of the main dishes in the middle take a small portion (using a serving spoon if provided) and place it on your rice. Don’t load a complete meal on to your plate right away. Just serve yourself a little bit at a time. If in doubt, watch how others do it.
Thai food tends to be quite spicy. If you do get caught with a chili, eat some rice — it’s a better way to cool your mouth than water. Do let us know of any dietary requirements in advance, but also be willing to try new things.

Villagers will make the utmost effort to ensure your comfort. However they do live in a more traditional way and are not used to the levels of comfort to which many people are accustomed. In the homestay you can expect to be given a foam mat with under sheet, a mosquito net, blanket and pillow as sleeping arrangement.
In the bathroom
In the bathroom most homes have an Asian style toilet, a bucket for washing, and no hot water. The traditional way to shower is to use a small bowl which is dipped into a large pot of water to rinse with. It’s not common to have hot water. Some houses do have Western-style toilets.
Going to the bathroom in a different country can be an experience in itself. Many of the toilets your will encounter here will be the Asian style “squat toilet.” They can appear a bit unusual at first, but apparently it’s a more ergonomic way to ‘go.’ Place your feet on either side, bend your knees and squat. (Those who do yoga will find it easier!) Watch your trouser legs! You can then use the squirt hose or bowl to rinse. Don’t forget to flush the toilet by pouring water into it. If you do use toilet paper, please place it in the bin provided, not down the toilet.
The majority of village activities are designed as ‘soft’ adventures. These can be enjoyed by any person in reasonable health, but be prepared for some physical exertion and challenges. These include climbing on to long-tail boats, using ladders to reach the boats, walking through rough terrain and on raised bridges. Please advise us of any special needs or medical conditions before the tour so that we can assess its suitability for you.
Please do not tip individuals or give presents (e.g. toys, candy) to the children. This can lead to an expectation from the children each time they see a visitor. Making a donation to the community fund is recommended. Ask a member of staff for more details.
Host family gift ideas
If you are staying with a family, it might be nice to give them a small gift to show your appreciation and something that they can remember you by. A little ornament or trinket is fine. Children love to draw and be creative, so think about some picture books and coloring pencils for the children in your homestay.

Taking photographs
Please respect the villagers and locals and remember not to treat them as simple subject matter for your holiday pictures. Always ask before taking pictures, or alternatively, simply point to your camera and make an OK sign.