Holiday For The Kids!

A Little Jungle Hike, Camping, and Environmental Education

On a fresh Saturday morning, Andaman Discoveries, along with a team of very willing volunteers, decided to give the children from the Southern Thailand Orphanage project and the Youth Group from Ban Lion an amazing holiday. We arranged an adventure-packed weekend for the children to our nearby islands on the Andaman Sea.

A few drops of rain in the morning did not keep us from jumping on the boat! Our poncho’s all packed, we were off to Koh Ra for a hike in the pristine jungle. There were 50 children excited to run through the jungle and explore the area, and enough guides to help them through the days activities!

After a hike of about 1.5 hours we arrived at the beach with wild waves crashing onto the shore. Children were running around on the beach playing with the waves. Just as everyone arrived the heavens opened and we had an adventurous wet lunch – food was never eaten this fast!

After the lunch we came back to our starting point, and the children went for another swim at a waterfall.
The boats were then ready to pick us up and take us to the island Koh Phrathong, were the children of the Southern Thailand orphanage set up their tents ready to stay overnight! The next morning the children got up early to explore the nature of Koh Phrathong and learn about the ecosystem surrounding them – a beautiful savannah on a deserted island.

After an educational and fun day, the children packed up and headed back to the Orphanage. We hope to see them again soon!