Environmental Education Show

 February 10, 2012
Environmental Education Show at Burmese Learning Centers

February saw the arrival of two wild and passionate Brazilian volunteers Jay and Lucas from Grassroots Interactive Organization.  They are currently traveling around Asia offering schools and education Centers the chance to see their live arts performance, which teaches children about the environment and how they can change the damage we are causing to the planet by reducing, reusing and recycling.  The boys from Brazil performed their Environmental Education Show at the Kuraburi Nursery, Burmese Learning Center, Bang Krang School, Kao Lak Learning Center, and at our Southern Thailand Orphanage.  They actively got a hold of the children’s attention with their interesting and eye-catching performance.    
At the beginning of the performance, the children seem to wonder and struggle finding out who those scary looking guys where and what they were doing.  As the children started to understand the concept of the story, they stood up and leaned forward, giggled, clapped hands and yelled out in enjoyment.  The performance was, mimed all without words; however, the children still understood the concept and message of the performance.  Jay and Lucas bought Brazilian instruments made out of recycled materials, and performed with materials locally sourced to send out the message of “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle”, at the end of the show all the children are chanting this phrase.  It was fascinating to watch how the children reacted with their emotions during the show, understanding the message the Brazilian duo brought and hopefully taking the message home with them to start to put into practice this important ideal.
It was great pleasure to have them in Kuraburi. Thank you for bringing the great energy!
For further information, take a look at their website.   <http://grassrootsinteractive.org/thailand-environmental-education-tour/>