Please read our cancellation policies

  • All cancellations must be made in writing and acknowledged by AD.
  • Cancellations announced more than 14 days before the start of the trip: Your payment will be refunded, after 30% administration and bank charges.
  • Cancellations announced less than 13 days before the start of the trip: your payment will be retained, with 70 percent donating to the community/organization and 30 percent for our administration costs.
  • No‐shows: The full amount will be retained and distributed as above.
  • Modification is allowed more than 7 days before the start of the program subject to availability and may incur an additional charge and/or penalty from our partners
  • Early Departure: If you are departing earlier than the intended end‐date of the program for any reasons, the full amount will be retained, and distributed as per program itinerary.

Any questions? Contact Us:
Tel: +66 (0) 87 917 7165