Breaking the Cycle of Poverty through Education

Andaman Discoveries staff continues contribution to the wonderful cause of the Burmese Learning Center financially with our North Andaman Network Foundation and through staff time and support. Andaman Discoveries, the Foundation for Education and Development, and the Burmese Learning Center Teachers headed out into the local Burmese Community to begin student recruitment for the 2016-2017 school year. We surveyed 6 communities handing out brochures and giving information about the Burmese Learning Center to the parents of perspective students. The communities are primarily located in labor based areas, with the
family homes based directly where the parents work. The families live in basic, one room row homes at the fishing pier, ice factories, pig farms and also makeshift houses in desolate rubber tree plantations. The conditions of living were poor and it is easy to see why an education for the Burmese children is so important. It allows them to see or become aware of a different future that does not involve manual labor. It also allows them to be in a creative, clean and positive environment that can begin to shape their future for the better.
By actively engaging the community and educating parents on the importance of education, we hope that conversation will begin amongst the families about educating their children at the Burmese Learning Center and that we will see new and excited faces at registration on June 1st. The survey already showed 10 new students who will be enrolling for this Semester.
You can help to change the future of these children by supporting the Burmese Learning Center financially or by volunteering your time at the center! Click here to Donate! Click here to learn about volunteering opportunities!