Back in Kuraburi

After arriving in the mega city of Bangkok I could not wait to be back in the village of Kuraburi again. This lovely little town created a second home for me from the day I walked in the Andaman Discoveries office last year. This year I am back for one Month to write a report on Andaman Discoveries for the university of NHTV in Breda.

When I arrived in the office, the new and familiar faces gave me a feeling of happiness. Kuraburi has changed only a little in the eight months since my last visit and it was not difficult for me to find my place here again.

After a few days my friend from Portugal, Susana, arrived in Thailand to volunteer with Andaman Discoveries, the same project as she had done last year. Through rain and storms we started our mission to arrive in Kuraburi. Finally arriving through the storms we settled in and caught up with all our old friends. The next day Susana started her volunteer project at the Junior school in Kuraburi and I started on my field research.

One week passed and I really looked forward to a day of teaching together with Susana. I squeezed in the fully loaded school bus arrived and at the school with lots of excited and eager children and it was great to play with the children before the classes started. On this day we were teaching classes 2, 4 and 5, we taught the children about body-parts through drawings, games and songs. The younger children had more difficulty picking up English words, but had great fun in trying and laughing at our double act teaching style and the drawing is so much more fun :D, we all loved this.

 So today I am back at my laptop, working on my assignment and enjoying the memories from the school day, Susana has two more days to teach before we are off to Ranong for some hot spring relaxation and waterfall excursions.

Thank you for the wonderful times Andaman Discoveries!

Cheers Nicole