Andaman Discoveries Scholarship Program

Andaman Discoveries started a scholarship program after the 2004 Tsunami. The program started with 214 students, and up to now 53 students are still following the program. Some students that graduated came back to teach at their local school sharing their gift of education with the children. For example, Wilansinee ‘’Klang’’ Klathalay is teaching at Koh Surin School and Supaporn ‘’Kai’’ Mardmun is teaching at Ban Talae Nok School. Most of the students are currently still following higher education. With this scholarship Andaman Discoveries wants to support the family, sponsoring stationary, transportation and daily expenses of the students. Andaman Discoveries, together with donations from sponsors, will continue to support the students until they finish high school.

Here are some of the drawings the students made for us.

Sinsuwan Nampak Image_Page_3 - BLOGBy Sinsuwan Nampak – Junior School

Kanyavee Nampet_page1_image1 - BLOGBy Kanyavee Nampet – Junior School