7 Pools in Kuraburi

by Jenny Lovell

I went to the 7 Pools, which is a local treasure. The hike is about 2 hours into the jungle, with thick brambles and groves of bamboo dotting the trail. We had to hike in and out within a few hours so that we weren’t stuck in the jungle after nightfall. The gibbons are not friendly after sunset in the Kuraburi hills.

We saw a series of fascinating natural phenomenon, including these amazing vines that zig-zagged like snakes and huge ant mansions.

When we got to the top of the hike, we got into the most amazing series of pools that stepped up the canyon. It felt like an untouched piece of nature. Bats fluttered above us as we trounced around the pools, diving off the rocks and wading through schools of tadpoles. It was the most fulfilling and energizing hike I had yet been on in Thailand.